Juice Jacking Prevention

Photo taken from Office of the Army Chief Information Officer FB page posted on February 2019.

When traveling, our phones serves as our lifeline to communicate with our loved ones, for emergency purposes and capturing beautiful memories in such places. It has many uses and so it is unavoidable to use public charging stations when the battery runs out. However, little do people know about the danger that public charging stations bring to mobile users. This cyber-attack method is called juice jacking.

What is juice jacking?

Juice jacking occurs when a malware is installed on a device using a USB charging port. When connected, the device become accessible to infiltrators to the point that hackers can steal a person’s identity.

3 ways how to protect devices

  1. Bring your own travel charger– A person can prevent being juice jacked when he has his own power bank. Make sure have your power bank charged when traveling.
  2. Make use of your phone’s security features– modern smartphones are more secured because it has updated security components installed. When connected to a USB cable, it asks permission to transfer data or not. Click cancel when charging in public.
  3. Power-only USB cable – common USB cable is prone to juice jacking because it can be used to supply power and sync data. It is advisable to have a USB cable which function is only to charge mobile devices. It might be difficult to distinguish these two types of cable. Ask for assistance when buying.

To spread awareness about juice jacking, warning signs should be posted by public charging stations. It is better to remind everyone to be careful where you charge.


Hello everyone! Enjoy another kagagahan of mine in my vlog where I tried doing the whisper challenge with Janna, Kilsey and Metchie. It is full of laughter and guess what? there is an additional cash prize for the winning team. Who do you think will win? Watch it now!

A Day in the Life of a College Student feat. Technology

Having an 8:30 class, it essential to start my day with an alarm set at 7 am so that I can have shower and eat breakfast before attending the first class. However, as a hard-to-wake-up-in-the-morning person my iPad will just keep ringing and play the constellation sound without me noticing. It will be my roommates who will wake up from my alarm and turn it off.

I still manage to attend class on time. At the university, I am not the typical millenial who always bring their phone with them. I don’t bring my iPad nor phone that much because I was trained in high school where gadgets are not allowed in the campus. Besides, I am just living in a dorm inside the campus and I can just leave my stuff there.

In class, most of my professors discuss through powerpoint presentation. It is a good thing that CM classrooms each have projectors. Gadgets become handy when some profs allow students to take photos of the slides. On the other side, some profs prohibits using of phones during class. I do not rely on my phone in writing notes. I take it down in my notebook.

During breaks, I go back in the dorm and do my relaxing activity. I get my iPad, connect it to the WiFi and surf the internet. I get updates from my social media accounts (i.e. Facebook, twitter, Instagram, YouTube). I usually post pictures on my Instagram stories that is also connected to my Facebook account. Through twitter and Facebook, I get to become update of the latest news and it is also an avenue for me to share my thoughts by sharing post and commenting on it.

After school, I use the internet in studying. I subscribe to the Khan Academy channel in YouTube to gain access on the tutorials regarding Math 50 (Applied Calculus). Some teachers requires homework to be sent online and so, I open Microsoft word in my laptop to make my papers and activity works. Through the internet, I can look for PDF copies of books online.

My day ends without video calling with my grandmother. I am glad that through messenger I can talk to my family despite the long distance. It is fast and free which makes it a great app. After everything, I turn off my phone and set the alarm for the next day.

A world without technology is not possible to exist. We rely on the different technological inventions in our life each day, like the internet. Almost everybody goes to the internet to search for answers and discover things. There are so many ways on how we utilize technology each day. As years go by, technology will continually become part of our lives and we will become more dependent on it.